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“Phoenix Rise” Out Now

Available on all streaming platforms

2020 is the year of perfect vision. 

Throughout my journey to true expression Ive often wondered how I can explain my choice for independence in an industry that thrives on support. The support of an infrastructure. The support of one’s peers. The support of the people.

One of my favorite things to tell myself is go where you are loved, if you dont know where that is… create a space from love within you.” Thats what I have done in the past few years. Created a safe and loving space for me to produce my artistry freely and without limitation. I feel strongly that my quest in this life is to write about my experiences and share them with others to inspire. How else can I tell our stories if I dont live it? How will we ever have anything if we dont own any part of it? How much of our energy do we put forward to tick a box and represent” but; there is no interest in raising our voices or allowing us to be heard. 

As the conversation has evolved to highlight the vulnerability of Black, Brown and Indigenous women I am even more convinced of Gods timing. You see, Ive struggled with the possibility that as I move forward in a sometimes-toxic male dominated industry, the stereotypes used to silence, and sandwich women of color would be used to do just that. Or gaslighting from those whod like to put me in a box. Now I am running toward those fears. I just want to sing, be authentic and support my art without forging my artistic integrity.

Ive worked for years saving, traveling, sacrificing time from my family, co-producing, writing, producing shoots. Always doing my own hair, sometimes make up and wardrobe always funding it myself… So that I may be able to give you “Lioness Eyes”, and yes; I have discovered my own lioness eyes. With clear vision for what I want to become. I hope I can inspire you to fight for your dreams; your purpose in this life. To face challenges with lioness eyes and the perfect vision for a future youd like to live.

My song “Phoenix Rise” speaks to our current state of our country that continues to weigh heavy on my heart.  Since the senseless murder of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and countless other innocent lives, the world has focused in on major issues that plague us as a society. Weve selected the appropriate prescription, placed them on our faces and have decided to adjust our eyesight to that of 2020. I hope that the conversation continues to create change and justice. To be silent is to be complicit, my hope is to continue to fight for a world where you are safe to be your true authentic self.

All my love and gratitude to you, my day one fans. who have waited patiently, with great enthusiasm and heart. I appreciate you more than you will ever know! 

– Melody 

Lioness Eyes EP Coming August 7th  Pre-Order Now

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